Three simple steps

Strengthening Relationships

Improving customer satisfaction by using the Government-backed Bank Referral Scheme to promote access to funding in the SME lending market

Business Owners Trust Their Bank

It's the first place business owners turn to for finance

Sometimes the bank just can't help
That doesn’t mean the business can’t be funded

But as a trusted partner the bank can talk to customers about their options

There are a growing number of choices in the market place

A Government Scheme for Business Owners

Has now been set up to help

With the customer's permission a request for finance is referred to three platforms which are

Simple, safe, efficient, free, fairApproved by HM Treasury

What Happens Next?

Customers choose which platform to engage with

3 referral platforms: Alternative Business Funding, Funding Options, Funding Xchange. The customer retains control of the process

The platform customer service team guide the business owner through a simple question process

Answers power an engine that finds suitable matches These matches are ranked and sorted to aid customer choice, helping to identify the most appropriate products available

Enquiries in Minutes

With the customer's consent the platforms make enquiries to appropriate funders

Most communications are between funder and customer with the platforms overseeing the process Improving the chances of securing growth finance for their business

And in a growing number of cases... This results in a successful funding!
Strengthening relationships throughout the process

A small selection of the
many funders on the platforms